Ways to Engage with Resilience Factor

Thank you for your interest in partnering with me. Please read the description of services and choose the best plan to help you achieve your goals and drive outcomes.

Packages& Rates

As you go through this page, I encourage you to go through the FAQ section. It answers many of the key questions you may have.

To sign the coaching contract, click on the link below and download the document, sign, and date it and email it back to hala@halabeisha.com. I will then sign, date, and return it to you to keep a copy.

All calls last for 60 minutes and can be used over the course of more than one call. No call will last less than 30 minutes or exceed 1.5 hours.

All packages are to be paid in full at the time of the signing contract ( when considering monthly payment option, funds to be received at the start of the month for work to commence)

  • Once you have followed through with those steps, use the booking link to book calls at a regular cadence that works for you.

Please note the below when booking calls:

Bookings are subject to availability and to take place from Monday to Thursday from 8:00 AM-6:00 PM ET and on Fridays from 7:00 AM-1:00 PM ET. Clients to be notified at least two months in advance regarding official holidays (e.g. Christmas, New Year, etc.)

Blogs, documents, and other relevant materials to be shared post call. No coaching to be offered through email. Clients to share updates, wins, and other topics for future discussion.

Frequently asked questions:

  • First and foremost, only partner with a coach certified by the international Coach Federation, a global governing body that ensures that all ICF coaches abide by a strict code of conduct prioritizing confidentiality and ethical coaching practices. 

    Second, reflect on your introductory call with your coach and determine if this is someone you would like to work with long term. 

    Third, what kind of education, experience and background do they have and did you leave that first call with fresh perspectives or insights you had not considered in the past?

  • Your ability to take actionable insights from your calls and put into practise and experiment to see what is working and what is not is at the heart of an optimal coaching relationship. Successful coaching conversations have the potential to shape new outcomes and transform the workplace.

  • Your coach is trained to help you look at the bigger picture to zero in on those areas most important to you so you can approach those challenges with greater clarity and passion.

  • You are encouraged to reflect at the beginning of each call on what is working and  what you would like to change? Maintaining open lines of communication is key to the success of a multi-year coaching partnership.

  • I do not make guarantees and do make sure we focus on those aspects that are within a client’s control. You are always in the driver’s seat and are able to tap into new ways of doing things and sensemaking.